6 Sure Fire Facebook Strategies for Your Photo Booth Business

6 Sure Fire Facebook Strategies for Your Photo Booth Business

Facebook pioneered the social media revolution and it has changed everything about our economy. It’s amazing to see how far it has come! Facebook has also evolved as the engine of marketing, allowing us to reach people like never before, all at an affordable price.

Facebook has two billion active users. That’s almost 1/4 of the entire world population. To reach numbers like that in the past, we would’ve had to spend millions upon millions of dollars through TV ads or an impossible amount of direct marketing ads. Times have changed and it’s up to us to know how we can take advantage of it.




Here are 6 Sure Fire Facebook Strategies for your photo booth business.


1. Creating Shareable Content

There are millions of Facebook pages. But the most important thing for each user is relevance. Does the content you post make sense and add a benefit to their lives? If it does, then you will grow your following.

Your Facebook is like building a reputation and brand in a local community. When people see you are providing valuable content, they will buy into what you have. Not only will they begin to trust you and what you represent, but they will also tell others about you. Create something that your followers would want to share with their friends. It’s free marketing. It also works as Word-of-Mouth, and we all know how valuable (and priceless) that is.


2. Measure and Adjust

Marketing is important but it can be hard to measure. That’s why any kind of tool that you can find that measures is so important. When it comes to this, Facebook is a goldmine. It provides analytics and the tools necessary to measure your impact and reach.

Once you have 30 people to like your page, you will gain access to these tools. It will inform you of new page likes, post reach, clicks, and other forms of engagement. This will allow you to test different strategies, measure them, and adjust for more effectiveness.


3. Be Available

All your hard work in reaching out to people and building their trust, boils down to how much you care. People can notice right away if someone is authentic or not. When a potential customer or client reaches out to you about your photo booth business, respond in a timely manner with a good answer or follow up information. When they give you feedback, respond gracefully whether it’s good or bad.

You can’t run a business without relationships. Be there when they need it and you will see your investment grow over time.


4. Don’t Be Too Formal

Nobody really likes formal. Yeah, they might have to be formal in a political or professional setting, but it’s hard to win people over when you have a wall in-between. Be yourself and be as friendly as you can. No one wants to read a sales pitch on Facebook, so be honest and tell them about the fun and great things you are doing.


5. Give Credit Where Credit is Due

This is especially important with images. Don’t take material that doesn’t belong to you. Try to credit the people you work with. A great source for royalty free images is Unsplash. Treat others like you would be treated in your business.


6. Don’t Irritate Your Followers

It’s important to be relevant but that doesn’t mean to overdo it. Your purpose online is to let people know you are out there and you have something of value for them. If you start posting a lot, they will see you as a spammer and that’s not good. All it takes is a couple posts a day to reach your followers.

These are some steps and strategies to take when using Facebook for your photo booth business. Social media can change your business. It’s effective and great for brand growth. Don’t miss out on one of the most innovative business tools in history.

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